Lotus Flowers Commune emphasizes on supporting each individual to realize their potentials of independent living.
We use a person-centered planning process to determine the wants and needs of each individual with his or her developmental challenges and then creats a customized plan of services to help them reach their life goals, have a high quality of life and live in the community setting of their choice.
The following array of services is available.

These services include psychology, speech and language, occupational therapy, play-art therapy, and recreational therapy based on their biological and psychosocial necessity.

These Services include family-centered planning, therapeutic intervention, positive behavioral support, transition services and foster care to support the changing needs of children and families.

These services include skills building, jib placement, on the job support for those who are interested in working in the community.

These services include linking the individuals to a wide variety of play, art and recreation opportunities that meet their needs and interests.

These include physical, occupational and speech therapies to assist with recovery from chronic challenges. A variety of options are offered to support individuals with challenges to live where they want to live. Home choices include with family or outside of the family home in a personal residence, with a foster family or in a group home. It also provides home supports such as homemaking to support them to live independently in the community.

We offers a comprehensive training program including classroom instruction, workshops, practicum and consultation for practitioners, caregivers, support staff and administrators.